MusicMixer Test Suite

For the best experience, use the latest version of Chrome.
Firefox doesn't "yet" support a core Web Audio API necessary for changing audio parameters on-the-fly.
This means volume, panning, playback rate, etc., cannot be modified effectively.
I have no plans to support Firefox's tardiness. It's been over 7 years, come on!

Basic Loading and Playback

Loads an arbitrary sound file and starts playing it at the set volume.


Loads multiple sounds into a single track group, then plays them on a loop at the set volume.

Multitrack Volume Control

Loads arbitrary sounds into groups, with controls for each group and source, and a master volume control.

Dynamic Music

Create three tracks: drums, bass, synth. Controls to start and stop each track, or to synchronize tracks.

Panning Control

Loads an arbitrary sound, or an oscillator, with control for panning a source in 3D space and visualization.